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Gonna be at the steel mill parking lot at 5:30. Some redneck been
Hittin on my ol lady.  Imma ambush that SOB
Ambush is a weird way of saying 'get assaulted by'.
You may consider telling your partner to not hang out at the Steel Mill. You can get stuff fabricated elsewhere with less shit.
The iron workers can be a rough crowd if you are walking in with the idea of chuck'n knucks.
Women like attention
I suggest a sand wedge. Heavy enough to get the job done. Short enough to be easy to control. Wink
(09-05-2024, 12:07 PM)Replying to FeralDawg Ambush is a weird way of saying 'get assaulted by'.
You may consider telling your partner to not hang out at the Steel Mill. You can get stuff fabricated elsewhere with less shit.
The iron workers can be a rough crowd if you are walking in with the idea of chuck'n knucks.

chuck'n knucks?
Did he take a wrong turn down Slappy Street?

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