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Forsyth Co greenlights hockey development
Waste of taxpayer’s money for the profit of a few, as are most development projects, whether they include a Pro franchise or not.
(02-08-2024, 09:27 PM)Replying to Toasty B https://atlanta.urbanize.city/post/nhl-h...th-suburbs

Nice looking place.

(02-09-2024, 07:57 AM)Replying to Rogasingingdawg Waste of taxpayer’s money for the profit of a few, as are most development projects, whether they include a Pro franchise or not.

Good call, Rogasingingdawg.
[Image: qF4AGFi.jpg]
[Image: ujd.jpg]
This will be the final nail in the quality of life coffin for Forsyth County.  I've lived up here for 30 years and I cannot believe something like this could ever pass. Way too many Yankees moved in and have remade Forsyth into "back home".  The communists are on the march in the state and as soon as the Atlanta cabal of fools get control of state government, Georgia as we know it is history.  They won't be happy until Atlanta looks like Mogadishu.  I'm hoping some sanity and temperance will return to the real estate market as the family has been making plans to move to Tennessee where there is no state income tax as our retirement gets closer.
I prefer the old Forsyth Co.
(02-09-2024, 10:35 AM)Replying to redpantsdawg This will be the final nail in the quality of life coffin for Forsyth County.  I've lived up here for 30 years and I cannot believe something like this could ever pass. Way too many Yankees moved in and have remade Forsyth into "back home".  The communists are on the march in the state and as soon as the Atlanta cabal of fools get control of state government, Georgia as we know it is history.  They won't be happy until Atlanta looks like Mogadishu.  I'm hoping some sanity and temperance will return to the real estate market as the family has been making plans to move to Tennessee where there is no state income tax as our retirement gets closer.

Tennessee is paradise in comparison.  Lived there 10 years and would move back before sundown today if not for the wife’s unnatural affinity for the shit hole known as atlanta.  It is known in my household, the monday after my youngest graduates highschool, there will be a for sale sign in the yard.  I’m moving with or without her.

[Image: 258s.jpg]

[Image: rfl_4919.jpg]

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