Poll: Swim with Gators at Lake Seminole State Park?
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Ain't no Gator gonna bite my ass.
3 42.86%
Better off Fishing.
4 57.14%
Total 7 vote(s) 100%
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Swim or don't swim Lake Seminole?
[Image: TxpLEJ7.jpg]

Absolutely you can. Knowing there are gators and swimming at your own risk adds a little excitement.

[Image: Mi9cZ6B.jpg] [Image: vkDayYR.jpg]
Thumbs up!

Not only does Lake Seminole have gators, but the two smaller ponds within the park have some pretty big ones too.

[Image: iOHfIu5.jpg] [Image: GXAO6lG.jpg] [Image: 0F79Bvq.jpg]
Gators from Lake Seminole.

[Image: yTrT6bn.jpg] [Image: RPTiFsZ.jpg] [Image: H24WMrz.jpg?1]
Just know that Gators are sneaky, have little bitty legs. and WOULD like to bite your ass. Gator POV.
[Image: iOvLDN1.jpg?1] [Image: 1VWtPlw.jpg?1] [Image: CK0zHIu.jpg] [Image: yTj6tPw.jpg?1] [Image: Nhc7kqD.jpg?1] [Image: J3gH23f.jpg?1] 
[Image: XL6hRLC.jpg?1] [Image: 5sF0KCy.jpg] [Image: Krtkq7L.jpg?2] [Image: zhgbCrH.jpg?1]
That's a great story how the American Alligator came back from being endangered.
(03-06-2024, 11:39 PM)Replying to EastBroadDawg

Several people I know used to go fishing down there all the time. My father grew up fishing that lake 1915-1935
[Image: qF4AGFi.jpg]
[Image: ujd.jpg]

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