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Georgia Natural Wonder #170 - Red Oak Bridge - The Cove - Meriwether Co(Part 2) 1,470
Georgia Natural Wonder #170 - Red Oak Bridge - The Cove - Meriwether County (Part 2)

Well I got a message too large on my Merriwether County Post, so it looks like I need to do a part two post to finish up. We left off in alphabetical order on the Incorporated towns with Manchester. Instead of just doing a part two history tangent on Merriwether County, I found two other spots that together constitute a separate Natural Wonder of Georgia. Now we already featured man made Wonders with Euharle Creek Covered Bridge, Etowah Indian Mounds, Allatoona Pass, Augusta Canal, Calloway Gardens, Gibbs Gardens, Barnsley Gardens. My gosh even Providence Canyon is man made because of erosion from farming the land wrong. Anyway, we today feature the Red Oak Creek Covered Bridge, and a spot along the Flint River called the Cove. This Cove research has led to some fantastic speculation on it's origins.

Red Oak Creek Covered Bridge 

The Red Oak Creek Covered Bridge is located just north of Woodbury.

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It was built in the 1840s by the famed Georgia bridge builder, Horace King.

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His great grandson played at UGA?

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With its approaches, the Red Oak Covered Bridge is the longest in Georgia.

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View from underneath.

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Red Oak Bridge near Woodbury.

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And it is the only one of King's bridges that is still in use today.

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It was added to the National Register of Historic Places on May 7, 1973.

The Cove

Sticking with our Natural Wonder theme, we come to the far eastern section of the county where the Flint River must pass through the Pine Mountain Ridge. This is a place called the Cove.

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From land, travelers take Cove Road into the Cove. While most of the Meriwether-Pike County Scenic Byway route is characterized by rolling hills and straight roads, the Cove Road is full of steep hills and tight turns.

Heading down into the Cove.

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In the Cove.

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Mystery of the Cove

by Ronald Jackson Rollins  from the Ins and Outs of Harris Co, Ga and Columbus Georgia Online columnist

It’s been 20 years or more since I first heard of a place on the Flint River, in Meriwether County, called the Cove. A friend and I were rafting down the river passing trough some rather nice rapids south of Ga. Hwy.18 near Woodbury, Ga. We stopped on the west side of the river to rest in a beautiful little valley with green fields of hay and mountains that looked to be 360 degrees around us. As we went on with our travel down the river, I keep thinking of that location and decided to go back later by car and find it.

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I talked with some locals on the bank as we got out of our canoe at River Bend. One of them said, “I know the place you stopped at, it’s called The Cove.” I ask how can I find it from land? He said there is only a couple of way’s to get in or out by the road. One is by cove road just south of Woodbury and the others are from Chalybeate Springs. I put this information in my memory banks for future use, as I didn’t get back to look for a year.

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Hard to find images of The Cove in Merriwether County Georgia, but this is real estate along Cove Road.

During this time I ask a few others about the Cove, I heard story’s of a valley that during prohibition was one of the largest producers of corn liquor. Their biggest advantage was if anyone came into the Cove, that no one knew, a shot would ring out by road watchers to warn the whole valley that a stranger or G-man had just entered the area. In olden times, an early form of neighborhood watch! The families were close and friendly with all that meant no harm but a danger to those that did. The next year, I finally did drive back to Meriwether County and drove into the Cove from the south entrance. I listened intently as I drove in, I heard no gunshot!

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As I continued into the Cove I drove by on old church and graveyard and continued toward the river to my east. I saw an old man on a tractor in a field, near where I thought we had rested on the river trip before, so I stopped and ask if I could cut trough the edge of his field to the river just to look; he said go ahead. This was the spot we had rested before; the flow of the Flint was calm and peaceful. Some Deer stood on the east bank drinking, the birds were singing, and a hawk flew overhead. I thought to myself, I was glad the times had changed and the valley had gotten less hostile as moon shining had died out.

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As I got back in the car and started to leave I spotted to my west a site I didn’t dream of seeing. Two very large satellite dishes peeking out above the trees with Pine Mountain behind them! I had to go check this out! I was on was the Cove road heading to Woodbury, so I went on and drove right by the two large 100 foot, tractable dishes. At that time these dishes didn’t seem to be in use as everything around the complex was grown up and lacking service. The sign on the gate said “AT&T.”  I went on my way, back home in Harris County and didn’t give much thought about these dishes again.

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While surfing the Internet, several years later, I ran across the Project Phoenix site and as I read the article that told of Georgia Tech Woodbury Research Facility being a part of SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). This was the dishes in the Cove! On May 4, 1997, This dish was outfitted and put in service as a FUDD ( follow-up detection device) to work with Antennas in Green Bank WV. and Australia. All controlled from Mountain View, Calf.In the Woodbury location ” the Cove”, the head for Ga.Tech. is, Dr. David De Boer.

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It has been a happening century for the Cove. This beautiful valley has gone from Moon Shining, (making you see creatures from out of space), to Stargazing (listening for ET out in space).

This is where it really gets funky

The Flint River Astronomy Club reports what that we didn’t know was that The Cove is possibly an impact crater.

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Geologists who study such things – carefully avoid such sweeping conclusions. Instead, they describe The Cove as “a structural dome which post - dates the development of regional metamorphic foliation.”  (Loosely translated, that means that, whatever The Cove is, it was formed after the rest of the area took shape.

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There are, however, a couple of things that we and the scientists who study possible impact crater sites can agree on. 

The Cove is a concave depression in the earth located 3.6 mi. SSE of the little town of Woodbury.

That depression, lying inside a rim that rises from 300 ft. to 450 ft. above it on all sides, is almost perfectly round.

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They have found PDFs (plane - deformed fractures) in zircon, leading the researchers to conclude that “At least some of the rocks associated with the Woodbury structure experienced an impact event.”

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And when might the event that formed The Cove’s present shape have occurred?  Dr. King’s best guess is “sometime around the Wetumpka (in Alabama) impact, give or take a few million years.”

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As for the impact itself – well, the crater’s circular shape suggests that the meteor probably came nearly straight down. Topographical maps and satellite photos reinforce that conclusion.The Wetumpka impact occurred in 100 - 300 ft. of shallow ocean; the Woodbury area was not underwater at the time, so The Cove meteorite may have been somewhat smaller than Wetumpka’s celestial visitor was. 

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Regardless, the effect was the same, i.e., a massive displacement and deformation of land within the crater and its rim. To have seen it first - hand gave us a small insight into the awesome forces necessary to have altered the land in such a mind - boggling manner.

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Read full PDF report here

Earth has a lot of Craters, I remember stopping by this Meteor Crater tourist stop along I-40 in Arizona when I was 16 in 1976.

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That's it for the new natural Wonder of Merriwether County and we return to part two of the history tangent for the county. Now we did an earlier post, GNW #4 on Warm Springs (One of the Seven Natural Wonders of Georgia). Today we turn to the town of Warm Springs.

Warm Springs

Warm Springs was first named Bullochville when it was incorporated in 1893. Named after the Bulloch family for his wife's grandmother was Martha Bulloch Roosevelt, the birth mother of Teddy Roosevelt. We covered this in our visit to Bulloch Hall in Roswell, Georgia (GNW #144 - Part 2).

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Residents of Georgia, particularly Savannah, began spending vacations at Bullochville in the late 18th century as a way to escape yellow fever, finding the number of warm springs in the vicinity of Bullochville very attractive. The town first came to prominence in the 19th century as a spa town, because of its mineral springs which flow constantly at nearly 90 °F.  In the late 19th century traveling to the warm springs was attractive as a way to get away from Atlanta.Traveling by railroad to Durand, they would then go to Bullochville.

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It took the name Warm Springs in 1924 to reflect its now renowned mineral springs, to which thousands have come for therapy. The most famous of these visitors was U.S president Franklin D. Roosevelt, who first came to Warm Springs in 1924 and liked it so well that he built a second home there, known as the Little White House. Roosevelt's Little White House, is a major attraction. In association with the historic home, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources operates a state park. The adjacent Georgia Rehabilitation Center (later Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation), founded in 1964 and brought under state control in 1974, treats those with brain and spinal cord injuries, strokes, and other conditions needing rehabilitation. The film Warm Springs (2005), which chronicles Roosevelt's time in Warm Springs during the 1920s, was made on location at the park and center. All covered in GNW #4.

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The historic section of the village of Warm Springs was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974.

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One of the places benefiting from this was the Meriwether Inn. Once the automobile became popular in the early 20th century, the tourists began going elsewhere, starting the decline of the Meriwether Inn.

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In 1921, Franklin Roosevelt contracted a paralytic illness, diagnosed at the time as poliomyelitis (later thought in a 2003 peer-reviewed retrospective study to be Guillain–Barré syndrome). He tried to regain strength in his legs by bathing and exercising in the warm water. His first time in Warm Springs was October 1924. He went to a resort in the town whose attraction was a permanent 88-degree natural spring, but the Meriwether Inn was described as "ramshackle". He had a cottage built in 1932 that became famous as the Little White House, where Roosevelt lived while president, because of his paralytic illness. He died there in 1945 and it is now a public museum. Roosevelt first came in the 1920s in hopes that the warm water would improve his paraplegia.

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He was a constant visitor for two decades, and renamed the town from Bullochville to Warm Springs. The town is still home to the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation (Roosevelt's former polio hospital) which remains a world-renowned comprehensive rehabilitation center including a physical rehabilitation hospital and vocational rehabilitation unit. Thomas M. Humphrey was one of the children treated for polio at the Institute during the 1940s. The springs are not available for public use as a bath/spa resort, but they are used by the Roosevelt Institute for therapeutic purposes.

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The Little White House, located in the Warm Springs Historic District, was Franklin Delano Roosevelt's personal retreat and was the site of his death. The house was opened to the public as a museum in 1948.

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Georgia Hall, the main building of the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute, was built in 1933. Franklin D. Roosevelt often hosted Thanksgiving dinners in its dining hall for those who were using the Springs. For much of its existence, the institute was the only such facility "exclusively devoted" to polio patients.

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The Polio Hall of Fame (or the Polio Wall of Fame) consists of a linear grouping of sculptured busts of fifteen scientists and two laymen who made important contributions to the knowledge and treatment of poliomyelitis. It is found on the outside wall of what is called Founder's Hall of the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation in Warm Springs, Georgia.

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The Eleanor Roosevelt School in Warm Springs was built in 1936. It was the last school built in the United States using funds provided by the Julius Rosenwald Fund. The school operated from 1937 until 1972. The building was purchased privately in 1977. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places on May 3, 2010.

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The Benjamin F. Bulloch House was built in the Queen Anne style in 1893 by Warm Springs' co-founder, Benjamin F. Bulloch. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places on May 26, 1994. For many years, the house was the location of "The Bulloch House Restaurant". The Benjamin F. Bulloch House was completely destroyed by a fire on June 10, 2015.

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The Bulloch Family House is located at 5634 Spring St. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places on January 11, 2002.

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The Oakland Plantation Inn was built in 1829. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places on June 28, 1982.

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Warm Springs was originally named "Bullochville". The historic district of Old Bullochville is located in the center of town and is the site of the annual Watermelon Festival.

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Downtown Warm Springs, then and now..


Woodbury, settled long before its incorporation in 1872, was first named Sandtown for its sandy land. When the first post office was established there in 1845, the town's name was changed to Woodberry. The current spelling of Woodbury was officially adopted in 1854.

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The Georgia General Assembly incorporated Woodbury in 1913.

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Victorian House, Woodbury.

The community most likely was named after Levi Woodbury (1789–1851). Internet says he was from New Hampshire.

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He was an American justice on the United States Supreme Court. Hair style possible inspiration for Bozo the Clown character.

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Durand Street, Woodbury.

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Warehouse, Woodbury.

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Storefront, Woodbury.

This was general merchandise or grocery store is due to the Coke for nickel mural on the back of the building.

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Historic Storefront, Woodbury.

Whatdawg posted:

Both of the storefronts you posted in Woodbury were owned by my grandfather. The second one (the tall one) was the only grocery store in town back then. They had groceries and bait and a little candy/toy display in the front window with candy cigarettes and bubblegum cigars. They would also close the store down from 12-1 so everyone could go home for dinner. It was a different time for sure!

In popular culture

Woodbury is featured prominently in The Walking Dead franchise as a fortified survivor settlement run by a leader called The Governor during a zombie apocalypse. However, in the television series of the same name, the Woodbury scenes are filmed in Senoia, Georgia.

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Unincorporated communities

These are all the towns and villages of Meriwether County that were no longer recognized in Georgia as of 1995.


Alvaton had its start when the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic Railroad was extended to that point. A post office was established at Alvaton in 1908. The community was named Alva McCrary. Named by Dr. W. R. McCrary of Senoia in honor of his son Alva.

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Big Wedding venue in Alvaton.

The Georgia General Assembly incorporated Alvaton as a town in 1911.

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Alvaton near this bridge over Flint River.
The town was officially dissolved in 1995.


Just south of Alvaton was the community of Carmel.

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Carmel Historic District Marker

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The Carmel Methodist Church is in the background.

Chalybeate Springs

The first settlement at Chalybeate Springs was made in the 1830s. The community was named for a chalybeate - impregnated mineral spring near the original town site.

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Chalybeate Springs Road.

A post office called Chalybeate Springs was established in 1860, the name was changed to Chalybeate in 1895, and the post office closed in 1929. The Georgia General Assembly incorporated the place in 1907 as the "Town of Chalybeate Springs".

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Chalybeate Springs home still standing.

The town's municipal charter was dissolved in 1995.


Durand is an unincorporated community in Meriwether County, Georgia, United States.An early variant name was "Stinson", after James W. Stinson, a pioneer citizen. The present name is after the Durand Realty Company, which promoted the town site.

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Grocery Store, Durand

This was probably a busy place back in its heyday. The owners have spruced it up a bit with the mural and paintings on the windows.

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A post office called Stinson was established in 1883, its name was changed to Durand in 1911, and the post office closed in 1957. The Georgia General Assembly incorporated the community in 1910 as the "Town of Durand". The town's municipal charter was repealed in 1995.

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Trinity United Methodist Church, 1910, Durand

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Union Cemetery between Durand and Stovall.

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Flat Shoals

Right before the Pike County line, the road crosses the Flint River at Flat Shoals. The current bridge was built in 1955, but inhabitants of the area have been crossing at Flat Shoals for hundreds of years.

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The Flint River is broad and slow-moving at this point, and the large, flat rock outcroppings make a natural foot bridge.

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In fact, Flat Shoals is part of the Oakfuskee Trail, a major trade route of the Creek Indians.

Harris City

Harris City is an unincorporated community in Meriwether County. A variant name was "Harris". A post office called Harris City was established in 1890, the name was shortened to Harris in 1899, and the post office closed in 1929. The community was named for the family of congressman Henry R. Harris, the original owner of the town site.

Henry Richard Harris (February 2, 1828 – October 15, 1909) was a U.S. Representative from Georgia.

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Born in Sparta, Georgia, Harris moved to Greenville, Georgia, in 1833. He attended an academy in Mount Zion, Georgia, and was graduated from Emory College at Oxford, Georgia, in 1847. He served as a member of the State constitutional convention in 1861. During the Civil War he served in the Confederate States Army as a colonel. Harris was elected as a Democrat to the Forty-third, Forty-fourth, and Forty-fifth Congresses (March 4, 1873 – March 3, 1879). He was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1878 to the Forty-sixth Congress.

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Harris was elected to the Forty-ninth Congress (March 4, 1885 – March 3, 1887). He was not a candidate for renomination in 1886. He was appointed by President Cleveland as Third Assistant Postmaster General of the United States and served from April 1, 1887, to March 18, 1889. He engaged in agricultural pursuits. He died in Odessadale, Georgia, October 15, 1909. He was interred in Greenville Cemetery, Greenville, Georgia.

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Harris City Baptist Church

Much of this structure has obviously been modified, but the pilasters on the facade appear to be original. If so, this is probably a very old church.

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Herman Phillips Grocery, Harris City

Mary Ellen McDuffie writes: This was a grocery store operated by my “uncle” Herman Phillips. Later, in the mid-1960’s, it was converted to a machine shop operated by my late husband and his step-father. The mural appears to date from the 1970s or 1980s.

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Commercial Storefront, Harris City

This was likely a grocery store, mid-20th century. But that’s just a guess.

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Ruins of Jenkins General Store, 1906, Harris City.

George W. Jenkins, Sr., built Jenkins General Store with hand-cut rock to replace its wood frame predecessor. Jenkins was a successful merchant, drawing shoppers from all over the area to Harris City. The business thrived until the early 1920s, when the boll weevil signaled a collapse of the cotton-based agricultural economy. George, Sr, moved to Atlanta and established a small grocery store, less susceptible to the ups-and-downs of the agricultural economy.

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Always thought of Publix as Gator Grocery Store, here it is founded by Georgia boy.

In the meantime, his son, George Washington Jenkins, Jr., graduated from Greenville High School and moved to Florida in 1925 to seek his fortune in real estate. He took a job with Piggly Wiggly, however, and after just a couple of months as a clerk he was promoted to manager.  In 1930 he left Piggly Wiggly and opened the first Publix store in Winter Haven. Today, Publix is one of the largest grocery store chains in the nation. I like to think that lessons Mr. Jenkins learned here in Harris City, at his father’s side, helped make him into the successful entrepreneur that he became.
Jones Mill

Jones Mill was built by married cousins Jones Fuller and Mary Ann Fuller. A large grist mill and mill pond are the only reminders of a once-thriving farm community.

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Jones Fuller, 1792-1844, was the son of first cousins Arthur and Celah Fuller. Mary Ann Fuller, 1794-1853, was the daughter of Isham Fuller and his first wife Elizabeth Roberts. Mary Ann and Jones moved to Meriwether County, Georgia and built a mill. They grew quite prosperous and had no children. Mary Ann helped raise and support financially her siblings, half siblings, and nieces and nephews. After Jones' death in 1844, she married Joel Hood, 1789-1862. She lived out her life at Jones' Mill and so did Joel until his death in 1862. 


Variant names were "Odessa" and "Xerxes". A post office called Odessadale was established in 1891, and remained in operation until 1953. The present name is after Odessa Jane Thompson, the daughter of a pioneer citizen. The Georgia General Assembly incorporated the town as Odessadale in 1905. The town's municipal charter was repealed in 1995.

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Branch Hebron Missionary Baptist Church, Odessadale

This church, founded by ex-slaves in 1868, is the center of the African-American community in Odessadale.

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Odessadale United Methodist Church, Circa 1903, Meriwether County

The Odessadale Methodist Church was organized in the local school house in 1897. Miss Odessa Thompson, a Baptist, gave the congregation an acre-and-a-half of land. A Sunday School was established in 1901 or  1902 and this church built soon thereafter.


The community most likely was named after the primrose flower. A post office called Primrose was established in 1907, and remained in operation until 1931. The Georgia General Assembly incorporated Primrose as a town in 1908. The town's municipal charter was repealed in 1995.


The community was named after Raleigh Bowden. A post office called Raleigh was established in 1887, and remained in operation until 1957. Raleigh was an incorporated municipality from 1925 until 1995.

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Raleigh United Methodist Church, 1883.

In 1880, J. M. Brooks, Mrs. Isabella Brooks, and R. S. Bowden gave two acres of land adjacent to Cain Creek for the purpose of “divine worship” by all denominations in the community. It was to be known as Union Hill. Services were held in a brush arbor here until 1883, when the Baptists dispersed to their own congregations, leaving the Methodists to build this church.

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Salem Baptist Church, Raleigh

This historic congregation was established in 1869.

Rocky Mount

The first permanent settlement at Rocky Mount was made in the 1830s. A post office called Rocky Mount was established in 1835, and remained in operation until 1909. The Georgia General Assembly incorporated Rocky Mount as a town in 1877. The town's municipal charter was repealed in 1995.

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Bethel Baptist Church, 1903, Rocky Mount

This church is quite proud of its long history and the following information comes from their website:  Bethel Baptist Church of Rocky Mt. was established in 1829. In 1933 the first electric lighting was installed in the sanctuary. Over the years there have been many upgrades made to the church sanctuary, but the original church design has been preserved. The bell tower houses the church bell. No one knows the origin of the bell, but records indicate that it was used as early as 1904. The baptismal pool located below the church is filled with natural spring waters for baptisms. There is no indication in records as to how old the pool is, but it was used in 1900 by Rev. W.P. Head to perform a baptism.

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The conical steeple (bell tower) is of a design I’ve only seen on one other church in Georgia, Guyton United Methodist. Though the Guyton steeple is much taller, I believe they may have been made by the same craftsman, or they may have been manufactured.

St. Marks

A post office called Saint Marks was established in 1875, and remained in operation until 1910. The community took its name from the local St. Marks Masonic Lodge. The Georgia General Assembly incorporated Saint Marks as a town in 1897.

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This general store and the nearby Methodist church are about all that remain of the crossroads community of St. Marks.

White Sulphur Springs

A post office called White Sulphur Springs was established in 1841, and remained in operation until 1919. The community was named for a mineral spring near the original town site. A variant name is "Brandywine Station".The Georgia General Assembly incorporated White Sulphur Springs as a town in 1907. The town's municipal charter was repealed in 1995.

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On the winding drive between Harris City and Pine Mountain I came across this site, which immediately caught my attention.

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Research led me to the story of one of old Georgia’s most famous health resorts, White Sulphur Springs. Thanks to the efforts of Steven Stewart, the present owner, it’s being restored. Apparently, it had stood abandoned for many years.

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Like the other mineral springs which dot Meriwether County, White Sulphur Springs has a water whose quality has legions of devotees. To those it’s helped with all sorts of ailments, its healing powers are real.

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In an article for the Chattahoochee Heritage Project, Mr. Stewart told Aaron Lake, “I can’t say whether it has medicinal properties, but these people have experienced it.” I believe Mr. Stewart has plans to bottle the water in the future.

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In its prime, White Sulphur Springs boasted a luxury hotel, which burned down in 1948, but a few cabins and the pavilion remain. An obvious love of history has motivated Mr. Stewart to save what he can on this historic property.

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Notables such as John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, George Vanderbilt, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Jackie Kennedy were among the many celebrities who visited here.


The community was named after George Wooster, proprietor of a local country store. A post office called Wooster was established in 1894, and remained in operation until 1910. I guess this town did not make it to 1995.

Ghost Towns

Now I looked at that old map of Meriwether County and there were several towns I did not recognize. I could not find any information or images for

Oak Ridge

We wrap up Meriwether County with a listing of famous folks from here.

Notable People of Meriwether County

Mario Alford – wide receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals of the NFL.

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Korvotney Barber - NCAA Basketball Star(Auburn).

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Kentavious Caldwell-Pope – 2013 SEC Player of the Year and eighth overall selection in the 2013 NBA draft by the Detroit Pistons.

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I did not realize KCP got an NBA ring few months back. Did not know he was a Laker.

Wade Collier (Bear O'Brien) - Georgia Radio Hall of Fame inductee.

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Y. Frank Freeman – executive with Paramount Pictures.

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D. Arcelious Harris p/k/a Swagg R'Celious - 5x Grammy nominated and Grammy award winning record producer and songwriter.

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Clara Ann Howard – Baptist missionary in Africa, longtime staff member at Spelman College.

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Bill Mathis - Former Clemson and Super Bowl-winning New York Jets football player.

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Leonard R. "Nookie" Meadows - State Representative.

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Manchester Cemetery.

William J. Samford – the 31st Governor of Alabama was born in Greenville, Georgia.

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John M. Slaton - governor of Georgia in 1911-12 and again in 1913-15, was born near Greenville. As governor, Slaton commuted the sentence of Leo Frank in 1915.

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Joseph M. Terrell – former Governor of Georgia (1910-1911); from Greenville, buried in the local cemetery.

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Hiram Warner – Hiram Warner was one of the original members of the Supreme Court of Georgia, eventually becoming that court's second chief justice. Warner also held office as a circuit court judge, a representative in the Georgia General Assembly, and a U.S. congressman.

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Jontavious Willis – country blues singer, guitarist, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist.

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Jasper Guy Woodroof, often called "the father of food science," was also born in Meriwether County.

[Image: UI4hHCW.jpg?1]
Clarence Birdseye (left), founder of Birdseye Frozen Foods, tastes products developed through the research efforts of Dr. Jasper Guy Woodroof (right) in 1940. Dawg!

Stuart Woods. Novelist from Manchester graduated in 1959 from the University of Georgia.

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OK for this weeks GNW Gal theme, I already did Mary's with Cobb County and the City of Marietta. So that naturally leaves Weather Gals, and are they a merry looking bunch.

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[Image: Fntyr0U.jpg?1]

Wow! I have opened a deep vault of GNW Weather Gals.

[Image: QLinb7p.jpg?1]

[Image: a13dxRG.jpg?1]

Merry Weather Gals!!!!
[Image: iOvLDN1.jpg?1] [Image: 1VWtPlw.jpg?1] [Image: CK0zHIu.jpg] [Image: yTj6tPw.jpg?1] [Image: Nhc7kqD.jpg?1] [Image: J3gH23f.jpg?1] 
[Image: XL6hRLC.jpg?1] [Image: 5sF0KCy.jpg] [Image: Krtkq7L.jpg?2] [Image: zhgbCrH.jpg?1]

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