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Looks like Bubba won't make the cut either
Terrible day on the back nine with a quadruple bogey on 11 with his second shot going into the water, his third rolling off of the back of the green, and then a three put to finally find the hole. He finishes round 2 at 10 over for the tournament.

His grouping was the most entertaining at the Par 3, btw.  We posted up by the 7th green and not only did he put a ball down for his young daughter to sink a 40 foot put, he also put another in the same place for Crenshaw's very young grand kid (or maybe even great grandkid) to sink the same put.  It was awesome.
He can always go home and try on his green jackets.
Ifn you leave and delete history, then try to sign back in ...sometimes it don't work but it don't tell you why.
I think Bubba and Speith are both perfectly happy with making a few million a year and living the family life.
(04-12-2024, 02:38 PM)Replying to JC-DAWG83 I think Bubba and Speith are both perfectly happy with making a few million a year and living the family life.

Agree.  They have no worries.

(04-12-2024, 02:38 PM)Replying to JC-DAWG83 I think Bubba and Speith are both perfectly happy with making a few million a year and living the family life.

Agree.  They have no worries.

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