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Went to the funeral of a dear and long time friend today
Met Dick at work when I was 28 years old and had just moved to Florida, and we quickly became close friends. Dick was an absolutely brilliant engineer, but he was an even better person, one of the most humble compassionate people I have ever known. Dick had totally surrendered his life to Jesus Christ and it showed in every action he took and decision he made.
I'm sorry for your loss, and for that of his family. Your friend is a trophy of God's grace, and it looks to have been clearly evident in how he carried out his life here on this earth. His faith became literal sight when he passed on from this life. That's the entire point of this life, to honor and glorify our Creator and Savior through our obedience to the truth and wisdom God gives.
That’s a tough loss. It is always tough losing a dear friend, but he was a man of god and lived his life according to his savior’s will. It’s sad here on earth, but not for him RIP Dick.
Sounds like a neat guy, sorry for your loss.
He is happiest he's ever been. I am looking forward to my meeting him.
Sorry for your loss and glad to hear that he was a believer.
Good news is he is more alive today than ever............ Thanks to Jesus. Praying for you and his family........

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