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Nicknames for Coworkers ....
007 - 0 Knowledge 0 Skills 7 Bathroom Breaks
G Spot - Can Never Be Found
[Image: iOvLDN1.jpg?1] [Image: 1VWtPlw.jpg?1] [Image: CK0zHIu.jpg] [Image: yTj6tPw.jpg?1] [Image: Nhc7kqD.jpg?1] [Image: J3gH23f.jpg?1] 
[Image: XL6hRLC.jpg?1] [Image: 5sF0KCy.jpg] [Image: Krtkq7L.jpg?2] [Image: zhgbCrH.jpg?1]
I know several people that qualifies for the 007 label. ?
I like pothole - coworker you try to avoid.
Blister - show up after the hard work is done
I have one I call Rain Delay. You get on a call with her and the bumbling and stumbling is like being stuck at the ballgame waiting for it to stop so you can get on with the game. At the end of the call you are right back where you started. Top of the 1st with no outs. Gigantic time waster.

We have an entire department called No Thumbs. What separates man from other animals is the opposable thumb. The entire department is so dumb we gave them the nickname. We joke they have problems typing and texting.

A manager we named Redo. No matter how good your first effort is it will always come back with revision points. So we have learned just to half ass it and then make the corrections.

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