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Took my Bodyguard 2.0 to the range yesterday
Shot ~100 rounds total of Winchester White Box, Hornady Critical Defense, Corbon JHP.  Gun performed flawlessly.  Very accurate for such a small pistol, and recoil was very mild.  The only issue I had was with my grip on the gun.  My thumb naturally falls directly over the mag release button, which led to several unintended magazine releases.  I really like the pistol, but will have to work on my thumb placement before I’m comfortable carrying.
I bought a little Ruger A380 like that back with the bodyguard first came out. The ruger was a little cheaper, but I wish I had bought the S&W. The ruger jams from time to time.
Having your magazine drop out of gun in a defensive emergency would be a poop your pants moment to say the least.

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