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Gettin' a little dusty in here...
(11-03-2024, 07:26 AM)Replying to junkyarddawg
Saw that
Dahm!! More than dusty in the Beatledawg hacienda.
Son has a cornea from a doner. He can see with both eyes now.
Check the box yall. You never know when you may save a life by losing yours, or just having someone see again.
That was very emotional for me to watch. My bride was on the transplant list at Emory for a double lung transplant when she died last December. She had IPF and the transplant was the only treatment left for her lungs. A lung transplant is a grueling medical procedure that requires the Good Lord's grace and a team of well trained pulmonary specialists. And then the rehab process is another Mt Everest to climb. Then you are sent home with a shoebox of medicines to take for the rest of your life. I pray for the Good Lord to continue to bless this gentleman's recovery and his life. I believe my Bride's IDF had progressed too far and she was too weak to endure the transplant surgery and the rehab process. Her cause of death was right side heart failure caused by the IPF. I miss her so much, but the Good Lord was merciful in that she is no longer suffering and I know in my heart she was too weak to undergo the surgery . 

I am very grateful for the young lady that donated her lungs. Her precious smile will live forever. The world needs more folks with her spirit of generosity. I pray for her family and hope that they can find peace as they continue to grieve  her loss and find mercy through her actions. 

Please consider becoming an organ donor. There are folks out there praying desperately for a miracle. I know. I was one of them.

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