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Foss-...I mean..WassailWednesday?: After 50(!!!) Years, Scientists Still Love....

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Paleoanthropologists have learned a lot about Lucy, the world’s most famous hominin fossil, since she was discovered in 1974. And her fossils are still yielding new insights.

Ed. note: yeah, I prob post about A. afarensis alot...but Lucy was part of my formal intro into anthropology back in the late '70s (just a few years after the discovery of her fossils) as part of a class on the topic at Statesboro High. I had no idea at that time that it was an oddity (or controversial) for a public high school...especially in the deep even offer a class called "Anthropology" - I just knew it sounded like a cool elective. AND - it was a full class of 35 or so....another time slot could've probably been filled had it been added!

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