In case you somehow hadn't heard, a pair of BALD* Eagles recently hatched THREE eaglets 145ft up in a Jeffrey Pine in Big Bear Valley, CA.
"Jackie" and "Shadow" are keeping them warm, dry, and fed even throughout a couple of snowstorms in the past week. Yesterday's storm dumped several inches! And, no, this isn't in Northern CA....BBV is in the San Bernadino Mountains at roughly the same latitude as Gainesville, GA.
The nest is illuminated at night by an IR source.
* - shameless semi-subliminal reminder that my St. Baldrick's event is just 8 days away!
"Jackie" and "Shadow" are keeping them warm, dry, and fed even throughout a couple of snowstorms in the past week. Yesterday's storm dumped several inches! And, no, this isn't in Northern CA....BBV is in the San Bernadino Mountains at roughly the same latitude as Gainesville, GA.

* - shameless semi-subliminal reminder that my St. Baldrick's event is just 8 days away!