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Went to my favorite gun shop today
Talking with the salesperson I routinely deal with, he said the response from ATF for background checks has gotten so bad it is now taking approximately 2 hours for a response.  There were approximately 15 people waiting on their backgound check to complete their purchase.  Several said they had been waiting for over 3 hours.  The store attributed the delays to DOGE layoffs at ATF.  The salesperson told me to come early one day next week to to make my purchase, as the wait time is 2+ hours after 2PM every day. I took his advice.

Just curious if anyone else has experience this problem?
my last time was 2019 took about 10 minutes........
I don’t buy from gun stores..ever..
Never bought a gun. Never will. This week.
I think it’ll get worse before it gets better.  But it WILL get better.  I’m okay with it because I know why they’re doing it.

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