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Does anyone know when the original Dawgvent got started?
I'm talking about the very first one that ultimately led to us being here, today.

My reason for asking is because... I am "thinking" it was 1994. I could be wrong. But, if that is correct, that would mark this year as the 30th anniversary of it, and the HOTD is "the" continuance of the original, not TOS.

That's pretty epic, when you think about it. In the realm of doggone ANYTHING that is AlGwhores related, to say your website, board, whatever, is 30 years old is a huge statement. First, that it exists from the beginning. Secondly, that it still exists, at all. Not only is the board one of the early pioneers of the AlGwhores, but it has stood the test of time. The board is still alive, but more so, it is flourishing.

We should find out exactly when it did begin, document the history... every step of it... and commemorate it. I'm totally serious.
John 14:6

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."

1 Timothy 2:5-6

For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all, the witness for this proper time.

Acts 4:12

And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.”
That is a great idea. I have wondered the same thing many times before.
I remember "Pluto" being in the URL.
Someone said the other day that Steve Patterson is living in South America these days? Was he the original proprietor, or did he buy in at some point?

[Image: 258s.jpg]

[Image: rfl_4919.jpg]
We have come a long way.
no registration required - you could type out your post and then enter any user name you wanted. I used my tax refund in May 1995 to buy a computer and got online then, it was one of the first sites I frequented.
First board I remember was The Grapevine. That was before the DV
I first jumped on when Donnan was being hired, I recall it being called the DawgVent then so around '96 or so, but I could be wrong, at that time I remember some talking about the Crown Room and the Grapevine but I wasn't on those two.
(01-05-2024, 02:05 PM)Replying to McDonoughDawg, iirc
(01-05-2024, 02:46 PM)Replying to Buzzfan®, iirc

The wayback machine's first ping on that site was December 25, 1996.

Wayback Machine
(01-05-2024, 02:46 PM)Replying to Buzzfan®, iirc


[Image: 258s.jpg]

[Image: rfl_4919.jpg]
I think the first time I saw it was 1997. Bunch of characters then. Now we all just old
(01-05-2024, 01:43 PM)Replying to RockmartDawg

I first started right around the Sanks non-fumble. I was recruited by UGA in the early 70's and would've gone there if not for a serious knee injury. I just couldn't get/stay healthy enough for football. Joined the US Navy Seabees December of 1976 and never looked back. Logged a total of 44 years with the Navy. 20 in uniform and 24 as a civilian. I remember online athens, the grape vine, and of course the dag vent when Steve Patterson was in charge.
Around 96. I started in ‘98
(01-05-2024, 02:46 PM)Replying to Buzzfan®, iirc

Thank you..
I wish I could figure out when I first started. I believe it was around 98 or 99. It was late at night and I was tired, so I went with dawgtired. I remember thinking, "if you're going with that name, you probably shouldn't expend the energy to capitalize the d."
I know that my ole' Sparky mind isn't what it used to be. But... I swear... it seems like I remember being on the Dawgvent during the 1995 season, when we had the ton of injuries and finished the season losing a heartbreaker in the Peach Bowl with QB Hines Ward limping the entire game. I remember the Glen Mason fiasco and hiring Donnan, instead. Now, that bit WAS in 1996... early-1996. 

I could be wrong about my recollections of the 1995 season and being on the Dawgvent during that time. But, I do seem to recall that.

I remember the Grapevine. I am trying to remember if I ever got on it. There were a few others... Dawgrun, or something like that. But the Dawgvent was the king site, for sure.

We're getting to the point where we "should" be hitting a significant anniversary date... be it in 2024 or maybe 2025. If the board existed in 1994, though... it would be cool to find out.

I'm sure I wasn't on it in 1994. I think I only got my first PC in like October or November 1994.
John 14:6

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."

1 Timothy 2:5-6

For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all, the witness for this proper time.

Acts 4:12

And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.”
(01-05-2024, 05:20 PM)Replying to RockmartDawg
Don't know why I forgot the Dawg Run. I was on that site a lot. Ended up meeting several of those posters along with Dawg Vent posters. Never met a person I didn't like.
(01-05-2024, 02:22 PM)Replying to LandDawg

That's about when I started
[Image: qF4AGFi.jpg]
[Image: ujd.jpg]
I remember the Grapevine, and i would have to dial up to get on. Took forever.

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