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2001..Never Forget
(09-11-2024, 08:59 AM)Replying to McDonoughDawg Never


(09-11-2024, 09:08 AM)Replying to Toasty B
(09-11-2024, 08:59 AM)Replying to McDonoughDawg Never

[Image: bfapp3nacx9uncopw1ui]
At the time, while I officed in Atlanta full time, I was employed by a company that had a major office in the tower that was hit second. My employer (as of Feb 2001) was headquartered in the other tower.

I lost a lot of colleagues that day. I had been holed up working on an issue in a conference room on the 110th floor in the north tower all day just 2 Tuesdays before 9/11. Not only will I never forget, I basically get really depressed this time every year.
(09-11-2024, 09:41 AM)Replying to dncdawg At the time, while I officed in Atlanta full time, I was employed by a company that had a major office in the tower that was hit second.  My employer (as of Feb 2001) was headquartered in the other tower.

I lost a lot of colleagues that day.  I had been holed up working on an issue in a conference room on the 110th floor in the north tower all day just 2 Tuesdays before 9/11.  Not only will I never forget, I basically get really depressed this time every year.

That's gotta be rough..hang in there.
(09-11-2024, 09:41 AM)Replying to dncdawg At the time, while I officed in Atlanta full time, I was employed by a company that had a major office in the tower that was hit second.  My employer (as of Feb 2001) was headquartered in the other tower.

I lost a lot of colleagues that day.  I had been holed up working on an issue in a conference room on the 110th floor in the north tower all day just 2 Tuesdays before 9/11.  Not only will I never forget, I basically get really depressed this time every year.

not  anywhere near to that degree but we had a consultant at a client site in Manhattan and could see it from the office he was working and and was calling us with updates.
(09-11-2024, 09:51 AM)Replying to Toasty B
(09-11-2024, 09:41 AM)Replying to dncdawg At the time, while I officed in Atlanta full time, I was employed by a company that had a major office in the tower that was hit second.  My employer (as of Feb 2001) was headquartered in the other tower.

I lost a lot of colleagues that day.  I had been holed up working on an issue in a conference room on the 110th floor in the north tower all day just 2 Tuesdays before 9/11.  Not only will I never forget, I basically get really depressed this time every year.

not  anywhere near to that degree but we had a consultant at a client site in Manhattan and could see it from the office he was working and and was calling us with updates.

When it happened, I couldn't help but wonder what in the hell I would have done if I had been there when it happened.  I likely wouldn't have been in the building at 8:45, or whatever time the first plane hit but I always stayed at the Hilton right across the street.  If my Georgia ass had been forced to walk to midtown and cross over to New Jersey, I might have just died on the street anyway.  I would have had nowhere to go.  Probably would have slept in a church or a red cross popup facility for 3 or more days looking for options to get home.  I am thankful for the timing, and forever sad about the people that habitually showed up early to the office and caught up with folks about how their weekend went over a cup of bad breakroom coffee...
(09-11-2024, 09:41 AM)Replying to dncdawg At the time, while I officed in Atlanta full time, I was employed by a company that had a major office in the tower that was hit second.  My employer (as of Feb 2001) was headquartered in the other tower.

I lost a lot of colleagues that day.  I had been holed up working on an issue in a conference room on the 110th floor in the north tower all day just 2 Tuesdays before 9/11.  Not only will I never forget, I basically get really depressed this time every year.

thats rough. Know of girl who lived by the Towers. They left on 9-11 and the home became a place for first responders and such to use the bathroom, relax, etc for a short while. They moved back in soon after. The Dad ended up getting tongue cancer and passing away because of the environmental hazards that lingered in the air for a long time That day took a lot more people than the ones in the towers. Glad you werent one of them though.
Today would be my sisters 47th birthday. She passed in 2018 very expectantly.
2001 was a very tough year for me; probably the hardest of my life.  My divorce was finally finalized, my savings depleted (to the point where I chose to feed my dog instead of myself) and I lost my job all within the first 6 months of the year.  I had just enough unemployment to cover my mortgage so I didn't lose my house.  I found another job, I absolutely hated that job.  But I had to have it to eat. 

When the first plane hit, I was sitting in the parking lot trying to motivate myself to get out of the car and go into the office.  I forgot my badge so I had to deal with the security desk.  My only friend at that place, came up to sign me in and we walked to the break room to put my sack lunch in the fridge.  The TV was on and that's when the 2nd plane hit.  We both looked at each other and said at the same time "is that another plane?!".  Within a minute the phones were ringing off the hook and people were running to the break room to watch what was unfolding.  My friend took pity on me and offered to buy me lunch.  At lunch we watched the replays of the towers coming down eating sandwiches.  We went back to the office only to be told to go home.  I went home, sat on the couch with the dog and watched the news coverage no longer feeling sorry for myself.

This morning, I called my friend.  He's a lot older than me and his health is starting to fail so he couldn't talk long.  But I told him I was glad he was there that day to watch it with me and I appreciated his friendship.  Hopefully I can make the same call next year.

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