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Game thoughts, Stadium atmosphere and other drivel...
Ok, the easy stuff first:

Always good to see my good buddy Toccoa pregame.  He's one of the best; if you haven't met him, you're missing out. 

UGA has lost the gameday experience atmosphere in Sanford.  Period!!  The product on the field is a part of it, but, they've forgotten who their audience is.  I highly suspect the group in charge of it does not have much in common with their audience.   

- The DJ is awful!!! I get playing the Rap music, I don't get playing Rap songs most of the young people don't even know.  I also don't get playing them while the REf is telling you what the penalty on US is.

- WTH happened to Baba O Reily??  It was partially phased out last year and is completely gone this year!!   THat was the best part of the pre-game I don't care how many times Walker runs over Bates.  

- The video screens around the "rim" have become borderline useless and every time I'm trying to catch some info, they're advertising. 

- Is there really only room to post two "other game" scores at once?  Really?  

- The down and distance on the big screen were off on almost every play on Saturday.   Try to keep up!

- I get Kirby complaining about the fans.   It was dead Saturday, but, it was also homecoming and there were more 5 and under kids in the stadium than I've ever seen before.

I'll stop here to rant...

Folks, your 2 year old or BABY will NOT remember going to a UGA game.  They're just not.   Your 3-5 yo is going to be miserable and do nothing more than irritate the close quarters folks around you.   I don't get it at all!!  I saw at least 5 babies at the game.  

Okay, enough ranting...Game thoughts:

- Why we continue to run 22 up the middle for .5-1.5 yds is a full-blown mystery to me.   I get rewarding players, but, he's either not healthy, can't see the hole, or not ready for SEC play.   His carries are a straight up waste of a down.  That didn't matter Saturday, but, it will.  
- Frazier must just be awful in practice.   I hear he fumbled 5-6 times last week alone in practice.  He did stay after to work on it and that's the only explanation to why he isn't getting more run. 
- 11 needs to be in for 4-7 plays per game.  I've seen enough.  It's not going to happen and the loyalty on staff runs deep.  But, he and Carson are NOT on the same page.  
- Drew Bobo is a great Center for a 4A high school team...not a powerhouse SEC team.  In fairness to him, he's our 3rd string and came off the bench to play an entire game.  He damn near got Carson killed twice.  
- We have coaching issues in the defense secondary.  Those will get cleaned up after the season, but, we need them to get cleaned up now.  
- I've slow rolled my Bobo displeasure and I thought he could take the next step...BUT, the games this year totally remind me of his Richt year offenses.   I'm in sales, have been all my adult life, and once coached an 8th grade football team.   When I can tell you what we are running 85% of the's a problem.  
- We have multiple starters battling injuries.  ETN, Luckie, Young, Lovett, ...hell, damn near all of our guys have something.  Several on the DL.  I really hope we rest some guys this week in an effort to get them healthier.   

WE aren't what we have been and Kirby said it post game.   NO one really is...UT and Bama were both exposed.  It's a true shame we let the 17 yo get that TD against Bama.   We would be in the drivers seat with all our flaws.
Injuries are a big deal right now for sure....good info on the fumbles, that has to be it.

On the little kids, I totally agree..the Miss State game should've been homecoming.
(10-07-2024, 09:12 AM)Replying to DawgNatty

Sorry Kirby, but as I sat there watching three plays in a row up the gut from inside the 2 yard line resulting in what were basically scrums in an attempt to score a decisive TD, it didn’t generate much confidence or excitement.
"But, we didn't come up here to take shots. We came up here to throw 'em." - Kirby Smart 11/13/2021
Good stuff, Natty. Kirby told Shock at the half "we need to get #3 going, need to get his ass in there". I found it odd that if that was what Kirby wanted then why hadn't it happened yet? Just keep winning and getting better, that's all they can do.
(10-07-2024, 09:20 AM)Replying to McDonoughDawg

Sorry for the rant on the crowd.  The 30 something dude in front of me spewed his guts out for literally 3-4 minutes in the 3rd quarter.  I finally had to leave after we kicked the last field goal...I couldn't take it anymore.   

MUst have had something to do with the 7 bottle of airline Crown Royal laying around his feet.
TV said CKS said NF3 cannot pass protect and that is why he isn't seeing the field more.
(10-07-2024, 09:34 AM)Replying to JimDandyDawg

I've heard that too and I'm sure it's a part of it.  But, damn, you don't have to pass pro if you're actually running the ball!  

22 ain't it.   11 hurt his shoulder again.
(10-07-2024, 09:20 AM)Replying to McDonoughDawg

shouldn't that have been obvious to whomever makes that decision?
[Image: beS1mro.jpg]
The music sucks if you’re over 30.

I was there with an alum season ticket holder who brought his 4 year old to his first game. The kid was super excited but of course has no idea what is going on. The guy sitting behind my friend barfed on him at the end of the first quarter. The barf guy got thrown out by security and my friend drove back home to Atlanta with barf on his back.

It was pretty warm Saturday and we were in the south stands in the shade. I bet the north stand fans were dying over there. I’d have left too and it looks like a bunch did.

We were coming off our first regular season loss in years and a lot of people, myself included, were in a wait and see mode. Its obvious this team isn’t as good as the last few.
DING< DING< DING !!! Am in agreence with almost every thing you said. I HATE the 'music' that is played, yeah I'm old but what is screaming outta the speakers is not music, it is noise. Irritating noise. Can't read the 'outta sate scores on the 'ring'. The big screen 'screaming NOISE' under the picture when I think I should be showing down and distance, which is practically unreadable on the ring anyway. I hesitate to say anything about the play of the team, as I have been spoiled by the last few years and I know it. But I have concerns with play calling and execution. Not having been the marina I can't relate to that.


I feel better, at least a little.
(10-07-2024, 09:32 AM)Replying to DawgNatty

Sorry for the rant on the crowd.  The 30 something dude in front of me spewed his guts out for literally 3-4 minutes in the 3rd quarter.  I finally had to leave after we kicked the last field goal...I couldn't take it anymore.   

MUst have had something to do with the 7 bottle of airline Crown Royal laying around his feet.

I don’t get a grown man drinking ‘til he pukes.  I learned how to quit before puking in my Freshman year at UGA.  A nice buzz was much more fun than falling down drunk BITD. (and more appealing to the ladies)
I don’t even do that now. 15 or 20 drinks a year (most of which is a glass of wine with a meal) has been my average since turning 60.
They played Baba O'Riley. I don't remember if they do it in a different order, but I definitely remember it being in there. I agree on the DJ. There are key times where he could be playing, but doesn't, and then playing over the ref was infuriating. I'm kind of sick of that trend to be honest. The people that sit behind us are some of the most annoying on the planet and all they do is bitch about the DJ not blasting something when he could (because they're band breaks when the band is supposed to be playing). As a former redcoat, I'm more of a traditionalist in that respect.

As far as the fan factor that Kirby was complaining was missing, I distinctly remember one timeout by Auburn during a noise making opportunity. I Don't yell much anymore, but I make some noise every now and again. I thought it was okay most of the time, but when the defense gives up chunk plays, it definitely takes the wind out of our sails.

I felt like the stands were overpacked. I don't know if people were doubling up on seats around me, or people have just gotten fatter, but I'll be damned if I didn't have to deal with the girl who brought her Auburn friend sitting next to me, sitting down on my lap practically half of the game.

Also, I don't understand the "quick sale" beverage bins in the concourse on the south side. They just opened all that shit up, only to have lines of people blocking the damn concourse near gate 6.
Bobo's offense has always sucked the enthusiasm out of any crowd. They talk about "explosive" plays on offense. It is hard to have explosive plays when all the plays are runs into the middle of the line, screen passes and 6 yd slants on third and 8 that come up 1 yd short of a first down. Bobo has never won a championship of any kind in college football as a player, coordinator or head coach and he isn't ever going to.

The stadium experience has been going downhill for years. The ribbon boards are useless unless you are really into ads and the commercials on the big screen rival the commercials on tv at home without the ability to mute or switch to another game. The ear splitting piped in ©rap music isn't even appealing to the students, maybe the middle and HS kids in the stadium like it? It is almost as if the people running the game day experience in the stadium don't realize people are there to watch the game and think they need to constantly bombard the crowd with some other stimulus.
(10-07-2024, 09:45 AM)Replying to JC-DAWG83

Well said JC and I hope things are getting back to normal for you buddy!   As I said, I suspect the folks in charge of the "gameday experience" don't have much in common with us.   (I wanted to say they're like a group in charge of social media for a current lame duck figure...who I can't discuss here).   Also, you nailed it, the college kids don't like the music.   Might still be wise to remember, 70% of the crowd there is probably 35+.
Oh, and another thing. Selling beer in the stadium is stupid. Yeah, I know the ''almighty dollar', I get it, but that is going to come back and bite those stadiums that do. Somebody is going to get drunk, fall off the top row and a law suit will follow. This fat chick was sitting by me (not Casino she ain't fat) and was getting drunker and drunker and on the phone with someone and every other word out of her mouth was fuck. Most unpleasant experience.
I agree with all comments above. That is why I packed my ass up after the tailgate and went to the ac and the 65 inch tv. Thank God we don't have people drinking to excess at the tailgate. My days of showing my ass are long gone.

Also, was great to meet Milldawg.
Agreed on the music. Been bad and is getting worse. I like college football, not the NBA.

As mentioned,  Crowd was plenty loud on several 3rd downs but not getting stops wears you down after a while. 

Bobo may have completely lost me after we stopped them on 4th down at roughly midfield.  That was time for the old Spurrier quick strike and we go off tackle for nothing.

In the end, we scored more on Auburn than they'd given up all year and we held them to the fewest they'd scored. I'll take it.
(10-07-2024, 09:32 AM)Replying to DawgNatty

Sorry for the rant on the crowd.  The 30 something dude in front of me spewed his guts out for literally 3-4 minutes in the 3rd quarter.  I finally had to leave after we kicked the last field goal...I couldn't take it anymore.   

That's awful...I hope he was escorted out.

"In the end, we scored more on Auburn than they'd given up all year and we held them to the fewest they'd scored. I'll take it"

best point on this thread..we need to remember that's the point in playing.
(10-07-2024, 09:12 AM)Replying to DawgNatty

The tailgating atmosphere was dead too. Partly because of an Alabama loss hangover. I believe the fans respond to perceived game hype and Auburn just didn't provide that hype. Tennessee will no matter what happens at Texas.
"Get busy livin', or get busy dyin."
(10-07-2024, 09:34 AM)Replying to JimDandyDawg

I heard the same thing.

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