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Any y'all 'Gusta Dawgs remember this?
This is said to have been taken February 9, 1973. Freak snowfall on Broad Street, in downtown Augusta.

[Image: 00-PDyEH66lQ5GRfTRHJjBuSELA7EuT9wu8bqZ3-...1730320296]
I do!!!!
It was a HUGE deal around here! I remember my 3rd grade teacher, Miss Tryson, taking us out for a special recess, just to play in the snow that had just began to fall. I fell in love with Mrs Tryson that day!! Her short blonde hair…gray fur coat…tongue sticking out to catch snowflakes!! Yeah, man!! She had it going on!!!!
Looks like Bedford Falls.

Where was the Building and Loan?
(10-30-2024, 03:46 PM)Replying to LuvsDawgs I do!!!!
It was a HUGE deal around here!  I remember my 3rd grade teacher, Miss Tryson, taking us out for a special recess, just to play in the snow that had just began to fall.  I fell in love with Mrs Tryson that day!! Her short blonde hair…gray fur coat…tongue sticking out to catch snowflakes!!  Yeah, man!!  She had it going on!!!!

"Try, son" seems appropriate for a teacher
(10-30-2024, 03:33 PM)Replying to RockmartDawg This is said to have been taken February 9, 1973. Freak snowfall on Broad Street, in downtown Augusta.

Remember it all very well. It was a Friday. Started snowing around 1030 that morning. My Jr High was buzzing. We were allowed to go outside and enjoy it. Mr Dixon , our Principle, called the weather service and they said the heavy snow would last a hour or so, so let them have fun. It only began to snow heavier. By lunch it looked like the picture above. School was dismissed early. The usual 20 minute walk home, took an hour. My Chuck Taylors were soaking wet. I was loving every minute of it. We started stealing trash can lids to use for sleds. We were pushing cars up hills. Snow ball fights galore. I got a french kiss from the prettiest girl in the 9th grade out of the blue. She invited to her house for Hot Chocolate. She gave me a wink when I left.  Best day ever for this Junior High kid.  

By 1130 that night, it was thundering and lightning and there were blizzard conditions. The power was out. I was sure the world was coming to an end, the seasons were mixed up, just like my Sunday School teacher said would happen in the end times.  Couldn't get that french kiss off my mind. I wanted more. I was sure I was going to bust the gates of Hell wide open that night, but I had to sneak over to her house a mile away.

Suddenly the phone rang. It was my older brother. He had been d/ced from the Air Force. He was in Atlanta headed home. He surprised us. Just flurries in Atlanta and he was hellbent to drive home that night. Our casa was on full alert . Plan to sneak out had been aborted. About 7am my brother made it home. His VW Beetle was covered in snow. 

For the next week, I was house bound. We had 27" of snow in our neighborhood. That was the longest week of my life. I was excited that my brother was home, but I was compelled to make that trek to the 9th grader's house. The next Friday, I finally made the trek. Walking through ankle deep slush to get there. Could not call her , because the phone lines were down. I knocked on the door, she opened it. My Jr High ex best friend sat on the couch. Suddenly, all 27" of snow melted.
(10-30-2024, 03:46 PM)Replying to LuvsDawgs I do!!!!
It was a HUGE deal around here!  I remember my 3rd grade teacher, Miss Tryson, taking us out for a special recess, just to play in the snow that had just began to fall.  I fell in love with Mrs Tryson that day!! Her short blonde hair…gray fur coat…tongue sticking out to catch snowflakes!!  Yeah, man!!  She had it going on!!!!

Did you go to Copeland Elementary?  I remember a Miss "Tyson" who was a third grade teacher there circa 1969.  Young, short blonde hair, cute.  I had Mrs. Larkin who was old and looked like all teachers did back then.
(10-30-2024, 03:33 PM)Replying to RockmartDawg This is said to have been taken February 9, 1973. Freak snowfall on Broad Street, in downtown Augusta.

[Image: 00-PDyEH66lQ5GRfTRHJjBuSELA7EuT9wu8bqZ3-...1730320296]
I was in 11th grade and it didn't start snowing in Albany until around 8 pm. Rain and sleet before. We only got 3-4 inches. Americus got 7-8 inches. Middle Georgia got anywhere from 18-24 inches. It was crazy.
(10-30-2024, 08:08 PM)Replying to JC-DAWG83
(10-30-2024, 03:46 PM)Replying to LuvsDawgs I do!!!!
It was a HUGE deal around here!  I remember my 3rd grade teacher, Miss Tryson, taking us out for a special recess, just to play in the snow that had just began to fall.  I fell in love with Mrs Tryson that day!! Her short blonde hair…gray fur coat…tongue sticking out to catch snowflakes!!  Yeah, man!!  She had it going on!!!!

Did you go to Copeland Elementary?  I remember a Miss "Tyson" who was a third grade teacher there circa 1969.  Young, short blonde hair, cute.  I had Mrs. Larkin who was old and looked like all teachers did back then.

I did go to Copeland.  Used to walk or ride my bike to school. ( I thought her name was Tryson.....but I was concentrating on her hotness more than her last name, I guess.)
Went there for 1st thru 5th grade, then they started that forced-bussing crap and we had to go to Collins, which was inside the Sunset Homes ghetto area.  The first week of bussing, our bus used to get pelted with rocks and sticks on the way home....I remember a small branch got thrown at us and came through an open window!   After that first week, nobody thought anything about things like that.  Took us damn near an hour to get from our house to the school.  Forced-bussing was the stupidest idea they had to "fix" issues back then.  My parents didn't have the money, otherwise they would've put me in a private school.  
Now.....if Mrs. Tryson had been at Collins, THAT would've been a different story entirely!!
(10-31-2024, 04:20 AM)Replying to LuvsDawgs
(10-30-2024, 08:08 PM)Replying to JC-DAWG83
(10-30-2024, 03:46 PM)Replying to LuvsDawgs I do!!!!
It was a HUGE deal around here!  I remember my 3rd grade teacher, Miss Tryson, taking us out for a special recess, just to play in the snow that had just began to fall.  I fell in love with Mrs Tryson that day!! Her short blonde hair…gray fur coat…tongue sticking out to catch snowflakes!!  Yeah, man!!  She had it going on!!!!

Did you go to Copeland Elementary?  I remember a Miss "Tyson" who was a third grade teacher there circa 1969.  Young, short blonde hair, cute.  I had Mrs. Larkin who was old and looked like all teachers did back then.

I did go to Copeland.  Used to walk or ride my bike to school. ( I thought her name was Tryson.....but I was concentrating on her hotness more than her last name, I guess.)
Went there for 1st thru 5th grade, then they started that forced-bussing crap and we had to go to Collins, which was inside the Sunset Homes ghetto area.  The first week of bussing, our bus used to get pelted with rocks and sticks on the way home....I remember a small branch got thrown at us and came through an open window!   After that first week, nobody thought anything about things like that.  Took us damn near an hour to get from our house to the school.  Forced-bussing was the stupidest idea they had to "fix" issues back then.  My parents didn't have the money, otherwise they would've put me in a private school.  
Now.....if Mrs. Tryson had been at Collins, THAT would've been a different story entirely!!

I grew up in Kingston until HS.  I went to Copeland until Lake Forest opened, then I went there for two years before the stupid busing thing started.  My parents put us at Westminster for two years, the first two years Westminster was open.  We would have gone to C.T. Walker down in the sho nuff ghetto.  Westminster was pretty much glorified day care.  I didn't learn a whole lot but I had a good time and met some good friends.  I went to Langford for 8th and 9th grade and coming from lily white Lake Forest and Westminster, Langford was serious culture shock.  I played football at Langford so that helped me assimilate.  I had been used to playing Y football with all kids my age and Langford had a number of black boys who were 16 in the 8th grade and looked like grown men.  I had always been one of the bigger boys on the team but I was average when I got to Langford.  I played on the line and all the big black boys wanted to play qb, rb or lb.  They used to whip my ass but we all got along fine.  I guess they respected that I kept playing.

My mother remarried when I was in 9th grade so I went to North Augusta to HS when all my friends and school mates I had grown up with went to Richmond.  I walked into my first day of HS not knowing a living soul in the building, that really sucked.  I figured out real quick I had better talk to anyone who was willing to talk to me or I was going to have a lonely existence.  In a sense it worked out really well.  Since I didn't know anyone and had no group I was part of I met people from every walk of life and ended up being friends with way more people than if I had been part of a clique coming in.  North Augusta was, and still is, a very cliquey place so by the end of my junior year I knew more people in the school than my friends did.
(10-30-2024, 07:47 PM)Replying to Zolotisty
(10-30-2024, 03:33 PM)Replying to RockmartDawg This is said to have been taken February 9, 1973. Freak snowfall on Broad Street, in downtown Augusta.

Remember it all very well. It was a Friday. Started snowing around 1030 that morning. My Jr High was buzzing. We were allowed to go outside and enjoy it. Mr Dixon , our Principle, called the weather service and they said the heavy snow would last a hour or so, so let them have fun. It only began to snow heavier. By lunch it looked like the picture above. School was dismissed early. The usual 20 minute walk home, took an hour. My Chuck Taylors were soaking wet. I was loving every minute of it. We started stealing trash can lids to use for sleds. We were pushing cars up hills. Snow ball fights galore. I got a french kiss from the prettiest girl in the 9th grade out of the blue. She invited to her house for Hot Chocolate. She gave me a wink when I left.  Best day ever for this Junior High kid.  

By 1130 that night, it was thundering and lightning and there were blizzard conditions. The power was out. I was sure the world was coming to an end, the seasons were mixed up, just like my Sunday School teacher said would happen in the end times.  Couldn't get that french kiss off my mind. I wanted more. I was sure I was going to bust the gates of Hell wide open that night, but I had to sneak over to her house a mile away.

Suddenly the phone rang. It was my older brother. He had been d/ced from the Air Force. He was in Atlanta headed home. He surprised us. Just flurries in Atlanta and he was hellbent to drive home that night. Our casa was on full alert . Plan to sneak out had been aborted. About 7am my brother made it home. His VW Beetle was covered in snow. 

For the next week, I was house bound. We had 27" of snow in our neighborhood. That was the longest week of my life. I was excited that my brother was home, but I was compelled to make that trek to the 9th grader's house. The next Friday, I finally made the trek. Walking through ankle deep slush to get there. Could not call her , because the phone lines were down. I knocked on the door, she opened it. My Jr High ex best friend sat on the couch. Suddenly, all 27" of snow melted.

Goodness gracious... 27" of snow!! I thought we had a lot when in the 1993 blizzard we had 18" in Rockmart. That's nuts.
(10-31-2024, 10:01 AM)Replying to RockmartDawg
(10-30-2024, 07:47 PM)Replying to Zolotisty
(10-30-2024, 03:33 PM)Replying to RockmartDawg This is said to have been taken February 9, 1973. Freak snowfall on Broad Street, in downtown Augusta.

Remember it all very well. It was a Friday. Started snowing around 1030 that morning. My Jr High was buzzing. We were allowed to go outside and enjoy it. Mr Dixon , our Principle, called the weather service and they said the heavy snow would last a hour or so, so let them have fun. It only began to snow heavier. By lunch it looked like the picture above. School was dismissed early. The usual 20 minute walk home, took an hour. My Chuck Taylors were soaking wet. I was loving every minute of it. We started stealing trash can lids to use for sleds. We were pushing cars up hills. Snow ball fights galore. I got a french kiss from the prettiest girl in the 9th grade out of the blue. She invited to her house for Hot Chocolate. She gave me a wink when I left.  Best day ever for this Junior High kid.  

By 1130 that night, it was thundering and lightning and there were blizzard conditions. The power was out. I was sure the world was coming to an end, the seasons were mixed up, just like my Sunday School teacher said would happen in the end times.  Couldn't get that french kiss off my mind. I wanted more. I was sure I was going to bust the gates of Hell wide open that night, but I had to sneak over to her house a mile away.

Suddenly the phone rang. It was my older brother. He had been d/ced from the Air Force. He was in Atlanta headed home. He surprised us. Just flurries in Atlanta and he was hellbent to drive home that night. Our casa was on full alert . Plan to sneak out had been aborted. About 7am my brother made it home. His VW Beetle was covered in snow. 

For the next week, I was house bound. We had 27" of snow in our neighborhood. That was the longest week of my life. I was excited that my brother was home, but I was compelled to make that trek to the 9th grader's house. The next Friday, I finally made the trek. Walking through ankle deep slush to get there. Could not call her , because the phone lines were down. I knocked on the door, she opened it. My Jr High ex best friend sat on the couch. Suddenly, all 27" of snow melted.

Goodness gracious... 27" of snow!! I thought we had a lot when in the 1993 blizzard we had 18" in Rockmart. That's nuts.

It was crazy.  We had a cat that had never really seen snow more than a dusting.  He ran outside (he could come and go as he pleased) and stepped off of the front porch step and pretty well disappeared.  I was 11 years old and it was one of the greatest things I had ever experienced.
(10-31-2024, 10:11 AM)Replying to JC-DAWG83
(10-31-2024, 10:01 AM)Replying to RockmartDawg Goodness gracious... 27" of snow!! I thought we had a lot when in the 1993 blizzard we had 18" in Rockmart. That's nuts.

It was crazy.  We had a cat that had never really seen snow more than a dusting.  He ran outside (he could come and go as he pleased) and stepped off of the front porch step and pretty well disappeared.  I was 11 years old and it was one of the greatest things I had ever experienced.

I bet. Had I been a kid when we had the 18" snow in 1993, I'd have been beside myself.

The closest thing to that was when I was stationed in England, and in January 1982 we had what they said averaged 18". It seemed to be a lot more than that to me. That was the first time in my life that I ever saw and walked through a snow drift. It was waist-deep. Knee-deep snow was the low mark. I was 21 then, and it was like being a kid in a toy store.


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